Magento website audit

There are many premises for slow website loading, to name just a few most popular these could be too heavy images, the wrong or badly configured server, redundant code, heavy third-party plugins, customizations, and many more.

But to address stoppers and speed up your website, you need to find the root of the problem. Making a complex audit will guarantee that you get a list of exact reasons causing performance issues while allowing you to act more cost-efficiently when choosing what problems should be eliminated first. And our technical specialists are ready to help you with this task.

Our audit service includes:

  • an in-depth review of your website backend and frontend parts
  • a detailed report, where we’ll mention exact code strings that should be rewritten and give other recommendations on how to improve your website performance.

Once you have the audit opinion, you can either implement the recommendations using your in-house resources or hire our development team to finish the project. In the latter case, we’ll estimate the project to agree on the final cost with you.

Magento Performance Audit workflow

This Magento Performance Audit includes analysis on 7 different levels:

  • Security
  • Performance
  • SEO
  • Server configurations
  • 3rd-party extensions and customizations
  • Custom code review
  • Server configurations

What do you get from the Magento Code Audit?

The final report of the Magento Code Audit includes a thorough analysis of your website with a prioritized list of action items. The report analyzes the quality of the frontend and backend code as per Magento’s coding standards, core Magento application architecture flaws, find core code modifications (if any), extension usage/compatibility, review custom code, 3rd party extensions and server configuration.

Based on the findings, the audit clearly documents the flows and recommendations on how your dev team can implement the fixes without the need for further consulting work through us.